4 Free Graphic Design Courses Online

Anyone creating designs stay current with the latest trends, and a great way to do that is with free graphic design courses online.

From beginner to intermediate and advanced, free graphic design courses online is a cost-effective way to up your skills. Freelancers looking to brush up on their graphic design skills can boost their careers through these courses.

So, What Is Graphic Design?

With the exception to minor details, graphic design refers to the using visual elements like text and graphics to create artwork. Graphic design is used in sorts of mediums like websites, printed design, digital design, and even animation. A graphic designer’s job is to create and execute visual concepts. The aim of your work should be to motivate, educate, and inspire with artwork that catches the eye of your audience.

How To Become A Graphic Designer

Whether considering an in-house design position or starting your own business, you might be looking for formal training. But before diving in, free graphic design courses online might be a great place to start. Besides, you can learn some basic skills as well as different design techniques.

Tutorials provide a wealth of information and there’s much you can learn from them. For example, new design trends, and building your skills. In fact, tutorials can help you become a graphic designer without a degree! If you’re already a graphic designer and simply looking to sharpen your skills, tutorials can be the perfect resource.

With this in mind, here are 4 excellent tutorials on graphic design to get you started.

Top 4 Free Graphic Design Courses Online

1. The Principles Of Design

Sometimes, you just need to go back to the basics. This course uses design principles as a framework to deliver your message and apply visual tools to bring it to life.

2. Adobe Illustrator For Beginners

If you’re just getting started as a designer, this Adobe Illustrator course for beginners is the perfect place to start. Learn type and fonts, use effects, draw, and make the most of patterns.

3. 65 Terms You Should Know

Half the battle is getting the terminology down in most jobs, and graphic design is no exception. This course introduces you to 65 terms that will be useful in explaining your visual work in words.

4. Photoshop For Beginners

Adobe Photoshop is the king of the Adobe suite. With it, you can create amazing work and accomplished different types of projects that one would think not possible with this program. In this course, you’ll learn about some of the essential tools and techniques. For instance, layering, text, styles, colors, and more advanced skills like retouching and smart objects.

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4 Free Graphic Design Courses Online