Why Business Cards Important In The Digital Age

After several years of social distancing, people now understand the value of in-person human interactions. For this reason, business cards are definitely still important in the digital age.

Although, texting is great to receive a quick reply. And video conversations do allow you to see the person you’re talking to. Still, neither of these communication methods are a match to why business cards are still important in the digital age.

Why? Because neither of the aforementioned communications provide an impactful and emotional face-to-face. Nor does it leave an impression in the same way.

Take the business card in today’s digital age. Did you know that 27 million are printed every day? Not monthly, but daily! Consequently, business cards in the digital age remain a time-trusted marketing piece for people to introduce themselves and their work. Therefore, people and companies are more likely to be remembered.

More Reasons Why Business Cards Are Still Work

Another reason why business cards are a mainstay is because of their effectiveness. They allow the recipient to take part of a conversation away with them. It’s like a keepsake that contains not only the content, but also the context. Even the body language, setting, and of course, and idea of what the business does.

Below, our designers explain why business cards hold their importance. And why they’re poised to keep their significance even as technology advances.

The Benefits Of Traditional Business Cards

Offline marketing adds a level of validation in an online world. They solidify companies being what they claim to be. As such, offline marketing will be a mainstay for business. It’s why the business card has been in existence since the 15th century.

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In fact, nearly 75% of people assess a company or person based on their business card. This is partly because people feel that an effort was made to create such a marketing piece. But business cards also offer a sense of safety. That is, that they hold people’s direct contact information. This makes the recipients feel like they’re receiving a personable, exclusive service.

Albeit a website ‘contact us’ page provides the same information, it doesn’t have the same intimacy. In a word, the web page tends to feel sterile compared to the business card. Moreover, people don’t feel as special or that they have your undivided attention. Not to mention, that the internet is not always accessible. Inevitably, there will be instances when we can’t get online, thus losing an opportunity to connect with someone.

On the other hand, giving a person your business card requires no signal or device.

Business Cards vs. Digital Age Intros

Businesses have nearly all gone 100% online. With that comes the digital introductions like referring people, sending emails, and selling using a range of tools. Ultimately, we’ll be oversaturated with all these inputs. And that means we’re becoming desensitized to introductions that would normally benefit us. Recipients often just ignore your emails and send them straight to trash. Particularly, if they don’t recognize the business or person’s name.

On the other hand, physical business cards give people an ingrained takeaway that is harder to ignore or forget. For instance, have you ever run your hand across Italian leather car seats? Or maybe you have a favorite blanket that you enjoy cuddling with during winter?

These experiences stay with us because they generate a feeling. In effect, a business card is no different, it’s a virtual handshake. Oftentimes, big things come in small packages and even bigger opportunities.